How Do Animals End Up in the Zoo?
Logistical Metabolisms
Microbial Worlds
Putting Animals on Display
Recording Worlds
Taxonomic Orders
“Bobby”. Tracking Body Parts
Cycladophora davisiana
Classifying Cycladophora
Catching Animals
Deep Sea Drilling
Early Micropaleontology
From Pests to Displays
Finding Cycladophora
Feeding and Overfeeding
Feeding Prohibited
Feed Scarcity
History of the Zoological Teaching Collection
Inventory Books
Industrial Micropaleontology
Keeping Records of Animals
Moving Horseshoe Crabs
Micropaleontology at Sea
Micropaleontological Formations
Micropaleontological Dead Ends
Of Microbes and Planets
Photos with Lion Cubs
Steller’s Sea Cow
Silk Culture
The Zoo and National Socialism
The Worlds We Make
The Afterlife of Zoo Animals
Using Cycladophora
Zoos and Conservation
An Iguana Preserved in Alcohol
A House of Cards
Berlin’s Border Dogs
Core Samples
Common Seadragon
Cat Colonies
“Der Zoologische Garten”
Dead Animals
Fossil Fuels
Feeding List 1945
Face to Face with Zoo Animals
Haunting Cattle
Jendaya Parakeet
Journale. The Zoo Directory
Katharina Heinroth
Labels and Knowledge
List of Dead Zoo Animals
Lions or Cows?
Lamont-Doherty Collection
Microscopic Media
Magdalena Heinroth
NSB Database
Oskar Heinroth
Of Lion-Tigers and Rotting Specimens
Of Disappearance and Rediscovery
Purchased from a Caravan
Papier Mâché Silkworm
SOMSO-Plast. Plastic Animal Models
The ‘Gorilla Beast’
The Steinmetz Index
The Logbooks of the Zoological Museum
The German-Colonial Hunting Exhibition
Where the Rats Live
Winter Hardship at the Zoo